Welcome to Tetrogen’s 12-Week Plan – Week 8 – How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

Welcome to Week 8. You are feeling more comfortable and confident. Energy levels are up, your mind is sharper and weight is dropping.  Now let’s kick it into the next gear and learn how to lose belly fat naturally without starving yourself or living in the gym!

Quote of the week.

Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill

Action Plan – Week 8 

During this week, we would like to start implementing intermittent fasting twice per week.

Fasting  planning and calander


Have you given in to cravings? Have you had an unexpected setback? Do you feel like giving up? Have you been upset or sad and turned to comfort food? Does it all just seem too much?

Junk Food Cravings
We all have junk food cravings. OK, you made a mistake. Jump back onto the plan and you are good to go.

Don’t worry! Don’t despair! One wrong footing does not mean your whole journey has been in vain. Think of it as a little detour down a country lane. It will not help you get to your destination, but for sure, you enjoyed the scenery. The main thing is not to stress over your little detour. In the long run, it will do you no harm, unless you give up and stop your journey. You have come too far to do that.  You can easily learn how to lose belly fat naturally and it’s as simple as making a few adjustments.

Remember the 80/20 rule.

learn how to burn belly fat naturally with 80/20 Rule

If you are doing everything right 80% of the time, then the other 20% will not cause damage. It is important to think about why you started this journey to wellness. It is for life and for a healthy life, and throughout life, we do make mistakes or go backward sometimes. It is not the end, nothing is ruined. We just forge ahead as soon as possible.

So if you fell under the spell of a piece of chocolate cake or had one too many champagnes, or even binged out completely, don’t worry, just pick yourself up and make the most of the next day. You may feel like the following day is a good day for an intermittent fast to give your body and insulin production a nice break.  See, learning how to lose belly fat naturally is quite easy, right?

Craving junk food? Try these tasty alternatives:

  • eat Kale chips instead of potato chips
  • eat baked vegetable ‘fries’ instead of french fries
  • eat frozen yogurt or dark chocolate covered banana pops instead of ice cream
  • eat power protein balls instead of cakes or cookies
  • try a homemade smoothie instead of a milkshake or sundae
  • dip a few nuts or fresh or dried fruit into melted dark chocolate instead of candies
  • squeeze some fresh lemon, lime or orange juice into sparkly water for a sweet drink.
  • cook your own Asian stir fry instead of the shop version (you control the fat)
  • marinate and bake some chicken wings instead of frying them.
  • eat burrito bowls instead of burritos.

Why? We ideally would like our bodies to have a break from insulin so that we can burn fat while no insulin is present. Remember that consuming carbohydrates signals our pancreas to produce insulin and this gives our body a signal NOT TO BURN FAT.

Useful information best weight loss pills for women over 40.

How to beat food cravings:

You really might need to snack. Sometimes you are hungrier than other times and it’s really wise to have healthy low-calorie snacks on hand so you can beat those cravings by having a satisfying snack to keep you going.

It is best to eliminate chocolate, cookies, high-fat snacks like corn or potato chips from your home altogether. Instead, have on hand yogurt, rice cakes, fruit, cottage cheese, rye crispbreads, hummus, cut up vegetable sticks, salsa, and air-popped popcorn.

Try to keep the snacks small and no more than twice per day. Remember to eat a good breakfast (unless it is an intermittent fasting day) and try not to eat after 7 pm.

Fitness Tip of the week.

Take your resting pulse rate first thing in the morning. If the reading is consistent that means you can exercise on this day, if it is high that means your body has not recovered and you should take a break.

Place your finger on the pulse
Engage in stretching and Yoga on this Day.

Look at all the recipes on offer to help you burn fat faster along with Tetrogen’s supplements.  The recipes alone will show you how to lose belly fat naturally while still enjoying delicious and nutritious meals!

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