You DON’T need to burn fat during exercise to lose fat

 Transcription So you’ve lost a few pounds of fuss, but where did it go? How does fat metabolism work, and how is fat actually burned off your body in order to understand how fat burning works, we need to understand fat metabolism. What happens to the food that we eat and what the body …
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Can fasting help with weight loss??

Transcription Can fasting help you to lose weight and even be good for you? Let’s find out in 2014, almost 2 billion adults worldwide were overweight and the rates of overweight and obesity are constantly increasing, as is the need for effective dietary interventions. The most common intervention is a calorie-restricted diet where you eat …
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12 Secrets to Lose Body Fat Everywhere

Where would you most like to lose body fat? From your belly? Your butt? Your thighs? Your low back, hips, waist, double chin, cankles… everywhere? If you ask most people, even those who are pretty body positive, there are parts of their bodies they wish they could change. Places they’d like to slim down, tone …
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